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Please see our Event Policies for all information on ICF NYC’s ticketing and events Policies and Procedures.

Upcoming events

    • June 04, 2024
    • August 13, 2024
    • 5 sessions
    • Virtual Platform
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    Is your ICF ACC credential expiring on 12/31/2024?

    If so, this is for you!

    To help you meet the ACC ten-hour Mentor Coaching renewal requirement, the ICF NYC Chapter offers seven group Mentor Coaching hours via Zoom. This program is only available to ICF NYC Chapter members.

    Important note: ICF Global only allows 10 people in a group, so registration is first come, first serve. Once we reach 10 people, registration will be closed. We only offer one program a year.

    The registration deadline is May 24th. Below are the session dates and times:

    ● June 4th - 60-minute session 8am - 9:00am

    ● June 18th- 90-minute session 8am - 9:30am

    ● July 16th- 90-minute session – 8am - 9:30am

    ● July 30th- 90-minute session- 8am - 9:30am

    ● August 13th- 90-minute session- 4:15pm - 5:45pm

    (Note: Registration for this event is limited to ICF NYC members only.)

    **Event Highlights: **

     Our offer to you:

    ● For your first seven hours, join an ACC renewal group of 10 or fewer. A PCC or MCC credentialed coach will lead each Core Competency discussion.

    ● Suggest ways to engage a Mentor Coach for the three one-on-one hours required.

    ● Help you navigate through the renewal process through the ICF Global credentialing platform.

    For more information about the program:

    Please contact Amy Bloustine, PCC

    Group Mentor Coaching Facilitator

      • July 31, 2024
      • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
      • Virtual

      Please come join us as we share resources, ask thought-provoking questions, and educate each other. Our goal is to keep building a supportive, collaborative and fun community as we each grow a sustainable and thriving coaching business, whether you're a new or experienced professional coach.


      We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home and still be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.


      Facilitated by Crystal Barrow

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • August 15, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Zoom

      Come join if you are a new member or a member interested in reengaging with the ICF NYC chapter. This is a great place for us to put names to faces and get to know each other without the hassle of commuting.  

      In this one-hour call, you will: 

      • Learn about the benefits of being an ICF NYC member  
      • Share your story and meet our Community Liaison 
      • Find out ways to get involved and volunteer with the Chapter 
      • Get your questions answered and express your views 

      We want to learn about you and how we can support you in your coaching endeavors. We are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you. The Zoom link will be emailed after you register.  

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      • September 04, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Virtual

      Bring your lunch, curiosity, and coach's presence! We're a dynamic and diverse group of professional coaches in our ICF NYC community. Each of us comes from a different cultural background with unique gifts to contribute, and we want to offer a safe and supportive space to share our insights and perspectives to learn from each other while having fun.

      In these meetings, we'll share our cross-cultural experiences with a loose structure with openness for interesting dialogues to emerge. Each meeting will have one topic we'll center our discussion around, and the group will decide on the topic we want to focus on in the following meeting. This is also a great place for you to practice active listening and broaden your horizons.

      Please join as our vision for the Virtual Lunchtime CoachCafe meetings is to get to know each other on a deeper level through meaningful dialogues that enriches us. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by Julien Lefort and Gina Martin


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      • September 05, 2024
      • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
      • Zoom Video Conference (Cameras Enabled) Sessions Will Not Be Recorded

      Únete a nosotros para una charla virtual para coaches que hablan español o son bilingües, donde podemos reunirnos, compartir experiencias y establecer conexiones en una atmósfera relajada y casual. 

      Así que toma tu taza de café o té favorito y únete a nosotros para una noche llena de conversaciones significativas sobre cómo llevamos nuestra grandeza de coaching a los clientes de habla hispana. 

      Durante este chat de café virtual, tendrás la oportunidad de conectarte con otros entrenadores de diversos orígenes, intercambiar ideas sobre la integración de herramientas y aprender de las experiencias de los demás. Bien sea que eres un Coach establecido o que recién estás comenzando tu jornada como coach, este evento promete información valiosa, apoyo y posibles colaboraciones con otros profesionales en la industria. 

      Lo que cubriremos en nuestra agenda: 

      • Presentaciones y rompehielos: participación en actividades para romper el hielo diseñadas para fomentar las conexiones y crear una atmósfera amigable.

      • Debates en grupos pequeños: Únase a las salas de trabajo para participar en debates centrados en temas específicos de coaching. Comparta su experiencia, haga preguntas y aprenda de las perspectivas de otros coaches.

      • Oportunidades de establecer nuevas relaciones: Conéctese con otros coaches durante las sesiones. Expanda su red profesional, forje nuevas colaboraciones y descubra potencialmente nuevas oportunidades de entrenamiento.

      • Sesión de preguntas y respuestas: obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas candentes durante una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en vivo con nuestros anfitriones y otros coaches experimentados presentes. 

      El objetivo es crear una comunidad de coaches que se apoyen entre sí; ya sea que estés buscando integrar herramientas existentes en una versión en español o simplemente quieres tener la capacidad de discutir ideas con otros coaches, nos encantaría que te unas a nuestro grupo y ayude a traer un poco de diversidad a nuestros eventos de ICF NYC.


      ¡Reserva tu lugar hoy!

      Para cualquier pregunta relacionada con el evento, comunícate con Gina Martin en el email:

      Join us for a Networking Virtual Coffee Chat for Coaches fluent in Spanish or bilingual, where we can come together, share experiences, and build connections in a relaxed and engaging setting. 

      So grab your favorite cup of coffee and join us for an evening filled with networking and meaningful conversations about how we bring our coaching greatness to Spanish-speaking clients. 

      During this virtual coffee chat, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow coaches from diverse backgrounds, exchange ideas about integrating tools, and learn from each other's experiences. Whether you are an established coach or just starting your coaching journey, this event promises valuable insights, support, and potential collaborations. 

      Event Highlights:

      • Introductions and Icebreakers: Start the session by introducing yourself and engaging in icebreaker activities designed to foster connections and create a friendly atmosphere.

      • Small Group Discussions: Join breakout rooms to engage in focused discussions on specific coaching topics. Share your expertise, ask questions, and learn from the perspectives of other coaches.

      • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow coaches during dedicated networking sessions. Expand your professional network, forge new collaborations, and potentially discover new coaching opportunities.

      • Q&A Session: Have your burning questions answered during a live Q&A session with our hosts and other experienced coaches in attendance.

      The goal is to create a community of coaches supporting each other; whether you are looking to integrate existing tools into a Spanish version or just want to have the ability to discuss ideas with other coaches, we would love to have you join our group and help bring a bit of diversity to our networking offerings. 

      Reserve your spot today!

      For any event-related inquiries, please contact Gina Martin at


       Gina Martin, PCC


        Anita Ramirez

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • September 12, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Zoom

      Coaches are leaders, and good leaders are coaches. How are you actively developing your leadership as a coach?

      Join Meaghan & Jorge for this monthly virtual session aimed at doing just that. Together with a community of fantastic coaches, we can cultivate new insights into who we are as leaders and how we show up for our clients and colleagues.

      This re-launched series of the Virtual Lunchtime Leadership CoachCafé will continue focusing on topics such as leading during times of change, leading others with a new vision, self-leadership, and more. Before each session, we will share broad topics to guide the discussion; however, participants will always be welcome to contribute cases for discussion.

      Facilitated by Jorge Giraldo and Meaghan Wagner

      Jorge Giraldo, CPCC, ACC

      Constant learning, growth, and transformation describe Jorge Giraldo’s life. Seeking renewal, challenge, and fulfillment, he has worked in molecular biology, commercial photography, web and software development, and consulting. Before moving on to coaching and getting his CPCC in 2021, Jorge spent ten great years hopping between leadership roles at Google.

      Although he supports founders and executives on leadership issues common in fast-changing, complex environments, he enjoys most being their partner in personal transformation as they venture outside of their predictable path.

      Originally from Colombia, Jorge lives in New York with his wife and over ten subway stops away from his two daughters. He loves reading, meditating, sailing, hiking, and mountain biking. Unfortunately, he does not have a dog at this time.

      Meaghan Wagner is a life and leadership coach with an astrological flair, as well as a sane-and-humane work advocate, and overall pop-culture glutton. Her mission is to infuse life and leadership with as much wonder as possible for as many people as possible. A veteran of NYC media companies including Penguin Random House and HBO, she learned firsthand how corporations and leaders operate before leaving the 9-5 behind in 2021.

      She now runs her coaching practice from upstate NY most of the time, though she, her husband and their ridiculous dog also spend considerable time in Park Slope and Montauk, getting the best of NY all year long. She throws right, bats right, and is, sadly, a Red Sox fan

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      DISCLAIMER: ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • September 16, 2024
      • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
      • Zoom Meeting (Cameras Enabled) - Active attendee participation in the discussion and familiarity with the book is expected

      Join ICF NYC with Book Club host Rich Heller as we explore SIMPLIFYING COACHING by Claire Pedrick and engage in a rich learning conversation.  

      Fundamentally, coaching is about enabling someone to feel heard and to access new insights into their own life. But how can you facilitate someone else’s thinking when you don’t know what they already know? It is almost impossible to remember models and questions whilst giving your companion your full attention at the same time. Coaching simply means that you can listen and notice more, getting quickly to the heart of the conversation.

      Whether you are brand new to coaching, are a trained coach who has lost confidence, or have many years’ experience coaching at a senior level, this deeply practical book will teach you how to:

      • Do less so that your companion can do more

      • Understand why saying what you see is more useful than listening to any particular story

      • Put boundaries around a conversation, making it more effective for your companion and easier for you

      • Tailor how you sit and how you speak to allow a collaborative environment

      • End any conversation in partnership

      Tailored to help the practicing coach, this deeply practical book is nonetheless useful for anyone who has conversations with people.

      A book cover with test tubes Description automatically generated

      ICF NYC Book Club is a benefit for chapter members. There is no charge to attend, and participation earns 1 CCEU (type to be confirmed, typically a mix of Core Competency and Resource Development).

      About the ICF NYC Book Club:

      The ICF NYC Book Club is an opportunity for attendees to delve deeper into their learning from the book and to share highlights from what they read, implications for their coaching practice, and more. Book club meetings are not book previews or presentations and active participation and contribution is expected from all attendees.

      Come having read the book - in at least part if not full. Our Book Club meetings are lively, interactive discussions where attendees share highlights and key learnings from the month’s book, raise questions or points of disagreement, and share with each other potential applications for or experiences from their coaching practice. On the occasion when we are lucky enough to have an author join, we gain from their added perspective, but our Book Club meetings are joint learning and not presentations.

      ICF NYC Breakfast and a Book Club is a benefit for chapter members. There is no charge to chapter members to attend, and participation earns 1 CCEU (type to be confirmed, typically a mix of Core Competency and Resource Development).

      Meeting Guidelines:

      The ICF NYC Book Club is an opportunity for attendees to delve deeper into their learning through conversation with their peers. Book club meetings are not book previews or presentations. Active participation and contribution is expected from all attendees.

      Out of respect for our facilitator and other attendees, you are expected to have read the book, or at a minimum, significant portions of it, prior to attending so that meaning, intent and application may be discussed with depth. Familiarity with the content enables a much more meaningful exchange and conversation.

      As with any virtual call, please be prepared to have your video and audio on, with limited distraction. Turn off all notifications.

      In order to receive CCEU credit, you must be present and actively participate.

      Come in your pajamas! We don’t care about how you look or if you’re munching, only the intellectual contribution you bring.

      Meetings will be held consistently on the second Monday of each month at 8 AM (except where may be otherwise indicated).


      Rich Heller, PCC is a Relationship Coach and mediator. He is a PCC and a Master Practitioner of NLP, MER, ELI, and Hypnotherapy. Rich helps parents to transform a negative relationship with conflict into one in which they resolve differences creatively. He helps them learn the tools and techniques that they need to increase joy and resilience for themselves and their children.

      ICF NYC Virtual Event Notice on Recording, AI Tools and Other Technology:

      ICF NYC meetings are rarely recorded and when they are, they are only recorded with both disclosure by the host and acceptance by participants. All other events, by default, are confidential.

      Any form of recording NOT initiated by the host (including but not limited to video, audio, or chat recording, including transcription) is not permissible. The meeting host reserves the right to remove any participant (person or technology) that fails to comply with the policy. Accordingly, it is the responsibility of every participant to know what technologies (including zoom and browser plugins) that they have installed on their device and if they have the potential to violate this policy.

      AI transcription requests will be rejected and any user found to be using an AI bot will be removed from the event.

      Event Policies:

      Note that in accordance with our Event Policies and Procedures, event tickets are not refundable. Refer to our Event Policies and Procedures for additional information.
      • September 19, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Zoom

      Come join if you are a new member or a member interested in reengaging with the ICF NYC chapter. This is a great place for us to put names to faces and get to know each other without the hassle of commuting.  

      In this one-hour call, you will: 

      • Learn about the benefits of being an ICF NYC member  
      • Share your story and meet our Community Liaison 
      • Find out ways to get involved and volunteer with the Chapter 
      • Get your questions answered and express your views 

      We want to learn about you and how we can support you in your coaching endeavors. We are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you. The Zoom link will be emailed after you register.  

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      • September 19, 2024
      • 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
      • Virtual

      Come join us for an evening of connection, support, and fun. As coaches and entrepreneurs, it can feel isolating working on our own sometimes. Think of our monthly meeting as the go-to place to tap into the power of the group for growing our coaching businesses.

      In our Mastermind-like format, each participant receives time to be supported and be accountable for their committed actions. We’re a community of compassionate and diverse coaches here to share ideas, resources, and insights. And of course, new participants are welcome!

      We usually meet at a co-working space in Manhattan but have moved all of our in-person events virtually for now. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home, and continue to be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by: Yayoi Komiyama and Matthew Pearson


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • September 25, 2024
      • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
      • Virtual

      Please come join us as we share resources, ask thought-provoking questions, and educate each other. Our goal is to keep building a supportive, collaborative and fun community as we each grow a sustainable and thriving coaching business, whether you're a new or experienced professional coach.


      We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home and still be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.


      Facilitated by Crystal Barrow

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • October 02, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Virtual

      Bring your lunch, curiosity, and coach's presence! We're a dynamic and diverse group of professional coaches in our ICF NYC community. Each of us comes from a different cultural background with unique gifts to contribute, and we want to offer a safe and supportive space to share our insights and perspectives to learn from each other while having fun.

      In these meetings, we'll share our cross-cultural experiences with a loose structure with openness for interesting dialogues to emerge. Each meeting will have one topic we'll center our discussion around, and the group will decide on the topic we want to focus on in the following meeting. This is also a great place for you to practice active listening and broaden your horizons.

      Please join as our vision for the Virtual Lunchtime CoachCafe meetings is to get to know each other on a deeper level through meaningful dialogues that enriches us. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by Julien Lefort and Gina Martin


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • October 03, 2024
      • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
      • Zoom Video Conference (Cameras Enabled) Sessions Will Not Be Recorded

      Únete a nosotros para una charla virtual para coaches que hablan español o son bilingües, donde podemos reunirnos, compartir experiencias y establecer conexiones en una atmósfera relajada y casual. 

      Así que toma tu taza de café o té favorito y únete a nosotros para una noche llena de conversaciones significativas sobre cómo llevamos nuestra grandeza de coaching a los clientes de habla hispana. 

      Durante este chat de café virtual, tendrás la oportunidad de conectarte con otros entrenadores de diversos orígenes, intercambiar ideas sobre la integración de herramientas y aprender de las experiencias de los demás. Bien sea que eres un Coach establecido o que recién estás comenzando tu jornada como coach, este evento promete información valiosa, apoyo y posibles colaboraciones con otros profesionales en la industria. 

      Lo que cubriremos en nuestra agenda: 

      • Presentaciones y rompehielos: participación en actividades para romper el hielo diseñadas para fomentar las conexiones y crear una atmósfera amigable.

      • Debates en grupos pequeños: Únase a las salas de trabajo para participar en debates centrados en temas específicos de coaching. Comparta su experiencia, haga preguntas y aprenda de las perspectivas de otros coaches.

      • Oportunidades de establecer nuevas relaciones: Conéctese con otros coaches durante las sesiones. Expanda su red profesional, forje nuevas colaboraciones y descubra potencialmente nuevas oportunidades de entrenamiento.

      • Sesión de preguntas y respuestas: obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas candentes durante una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en vivo con nuestros anfitriones y otros coaches experimentados presentes. 

      El objetivo es crear una comunidad de coaches que se apoyen entre sí; ya sea que estés buscando integrar herramientas existentes en una versión en español o simplemente quieres tener la capacidad de discutir ideas con otros coaches, nos encantaría que te unas a nuestro grupo y ayude a traer un poco de diversidad a nuestros eventos de ICF NYC.


      ¡Reserva tu lugar hoy!

      Para cualquier pregunta relacionada con el evento, comunícate con Gina Martin en el email:

      Join us for a Networking Virtual Coffee Chat for Coaches fluent in Spanish or bilingual, where we can come together, share experiences, and build connections in a relaxed and engaging setting. 

      So grab your favorite cup of coffee and join us for an evening filled with networking and meaningful conversations about how we bring our coaching greatness to Spanish-speaking clients. 

      During this virtual coffee chat, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow coaches from diverse backgrounds, exchange ideas about integrating tools, and learn from each other's experiences. Whether you are an established coach or just starting your coaching journey, this event promises valuable insights, support, and potential collaborations. 

      Event Highlights:

      • Introductions and Icebreakers: Start the session by introducing yourself and engaging in icebreaker activities designed to foster connections and create a friendly atmosphere.

      • Small Group Discussions: Join breakout rooms to engage in focused discussions on specific coaching topics. Share your expertise, ask questions, and learn from the perspectives of other coaches.

      • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow coaches during dedicated networking sessions. Expand your professional network, forge new collaborations, and potentially discover new coaching opportunities.

      • Q&A Session: Have your burning questions answered during a live Q&A session with our hosts and other experienced coaches in attendance.

      The goal is to create a community of coaches supporting each other; whether you are looking to integrate existing tools into a Spanish version or just want to have the ability to discuss ideas with other coaches, we would love to have you join our group and help bring a bit of diversity to our networking offerings. 

      Reserve your spot today!

      For any event-related inquiries, please contact Gina Martin at


       Gina Martin, PCC


        Anita Ramirez

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • October 17, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Zoom

      Come join if you are a new member or a member interested in reengaging with the ICF NYC chapter. This is a great place for us to put names to faces and get to know each other without the hassle of commuting.  

      In this one-hour call, you will: 

      • Learn about the benefits of being an ICF NYC member  
      • Share your story and meet our Community Liaison 
      • Find out ways to get involved and volunteer with the Chapter 
      • Get your questions answered and express your views 

      We want to learn about you and how we can support you in your coaching endeavors. We are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you. The Zoom link will be emailed after you register.  

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      • October 17, 2024
      • 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
      • Virtual

      Come join us for an evening of connection, support, and fun. As coaches and entrepreneurs, it can feel isolating working on our own sometimes. Think of our monthly meeting as the go-to place to tap into the power of the group for growing our coaching businesses.

      In our Mastermind-like format, each participant receives time to be supported and be accountable for their committed actions. We’re a community of compassionate and diverse coaches here to share ideas, resources, and insights. And of course, new participants are welcome!

      We usually meet at a co-working space in Manhattan but have moved all of our in-person events virtually for now. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home, and continue to be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by: Yayoi Komiyama and Matthew Pearson


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • October 30, 2024
      • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
      • Virtual

      Please come join us as we share resources, ask thought-provoking questions, and educate each other. Our goal is to keep building a supportive, collaborative and fun community as we each grow a sustainable and thriving coaching business, whether you're a new or experienced professional coach.


      We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home and still be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.


      Facilitated by Crystal Barrow

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • November 06, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Virtual

      Bring your lunch, curiosity, and coach's presence! We're a dynamic and diverse group of professional coaches in our ICF NYC community. Each of us comes from a different cultural background with unique gifts to contribute, and we want to offer a safe and supportive space to share our insights and perspectives to learn from each other while having fun.

      In these meetings, we'll share our cross-cultural experiences with a loose structure with openness for interesting dialogues to emerge. Each meeting will have one topic we'll center our discussion around, and the group will decide on the topic we want to focus on in the following meeting. This is also a great place for you to practice active listening and broaden your horizons.

      Please join as our vision for the Virtual Lunchtime CoachCafe meetings is to get to know each other on a deeper level through meaningful dialogues that enriches us. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by Julien Lefort and Gina Martin


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • November 07, 2024
      • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
      • Zoom Video Conference (Cameras Enabled) Sessions Will Not Be Recorded

      Únete a nosotros para una charla virtual para coaches que hablan español o son bilingües, donde podemos reunirnos, compartir experiencias y establecer conexiones en una atmósfera relajada y casual. 

      Así que toma tu taza de café o té favorito y únete a nosotros para una noche llena de conversaciones significativas sobre cómo llevamos nuestra grandeza de coaching a los clientes de habla hispana. 

      Durante este chat de café virtual, tendrás la oportunidad de conectarte con otros entrenadores de diversos orígenes, intercambiar ideas sobre la integración de herramientas y aprender de las experiencias de los demás. Bien sea que eres un Coach establecido o que recién estás comenzando tu jornada como coach, este evento promete información valiosa, apoyo y posibles colaboraciones con otros profesionales en la industria. 

      Lo que cubriremos en nuestra agenda: 

      • Presentaciones y rompehielos: participación en actividades para romper el hielo diseñadas para fomentar las conexiones y crear una atmósfera amigable.

      • Debates en grupos pequeños: Únase a las salas de trabajo para participar en debates centrados en temas específicos de coaching. Comparta su experiencia, haga preguntas y aprenda de las perspectivas de otros coaches.

      • Oportunidades de establecer nuevas relaciones: Conéctese con otros coaches durante las sesiones. Expanda su red profesional, forje nuevas colaboraciones y descubra potencialmente nuevas oportunidades de entrenamiento.

      • Sesión de preguntas y respuestas: obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas candentes durante una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en vivo con nuestros anfitriones y otros coaches experimentados presentes. 

      El objetivo es crear una comunidad de coaches que se apoyen entre sí; ya sea que estés buscando integrar herramientas existentes en una versión en español o simplemente quieres tener la capacidad de discutir ideas con otros coaches, nos encantaría que te unas a nuestro grupo y ayude a traer un poco de diversidad a nuestros eventos de ICF NYC.


      ¡Reserva tu lugar hoy!

      Para cualquier pregunta relacionada con el evento, comunícate con Gina Martin en el email:

      Join us for a Networking Virtual Coffee Chat for Coaches fluent in Spanish or bilingual, where we can come together, share experiences, and build connections in a relaxed and engaging setting. 

      So grab your favorite cup of coffee and join us for an evening filled with networking and meaningful conversations about how we bring our coaching greatness to Spanish-speaking clients. 

      During this virtual coffee chat, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow coaches from diverse backgrounds, exchange ideas about integrating tools, and learn from each other's experiences. Whether you are an established coach or just starting your coaching journey, this event promises valuable insights, support, and potential collaborations. 

      Event Highlights:

      • Introductions and Icebreakers: Start the session by introducing yourself and engaging in icebreaker activities designed to foster connections and create a friendly atmosphere.

      • Small Group Discussions: Join breakout rooms to engage in focused discussions on specific coaching topics. Share your expertise, ask questions, and learn from the perspectives of other coaches.

      • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow coaches during dedicated networking sessions. Expand your professional network, forge new collaborations, and potentially discover new coaching opportunities.

      • Q&A Session: Have your burning questions answered during a live Q&A session with our hosts and other experienced coaches in attendance.

      The goal is to create a community of coaches supporting each other; whether you are looking to integrate existing tools into a Spanish version or just want to have the ability to discuss ideas with other coaches, we would love to have you join our group and help bring a bit of diversity to our networking offerings. 

      Reserve your spot today!

      For any event-related inquiries, please contact Gina Martin at


       Gina Martin, PCC


        Anita Ramirez

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • November 20, 2024
      • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
      • Virtual

      Please come join us as we share resources, ask thought-provoking questions, and educate each other. Our goal is to keep building a supportive, collaborative and fun community as we each grow a sustainable and thriving coaching business, whether you're a new or experienced professional coach.


      We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home and still be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.


      Facilitated by Crystal Barrow

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • November 21, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Zoom

      Come join if you are a new member or a member interested in reengaging with the ICF NYC chapter. This is a great place for us to put names to faces and get to know each other without the hassle of commuting.  

      In this one-hour call, you will: 

      • Learn about the benefits of being an ICF NYC member  
      • Share your story and meet our Community Liaison 
      • Find out ways to get involved and volunteer with the Chapter 
      • Get your questions answered and express your views 

      We want to learn about you and how we can support you in your coaching endeavors. We are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you. The Zoom link will be emailed after you register.  

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      • November 21, 2024
      • 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
      • Virtual

      Come join us for an evening of connection, support, and fun. As coaches and entrepreneurs, it can feel isolating working on our own sometimes. Think of our monthly meeting as the go-to place to tap into the power of the group for growing our coaching businesses.

      In our Mastermind-like format, each participant receives time to be supported and be accountable for their committed actions. We’re a community of compassionate and diverse coaches here to share ideas, resources, and insights. And of course, new participants are welcome!

      We usually meet at a co-working space in Manhattan but have moved all of our in-person events virtually for now. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home, and continue to be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by: Yayoi Komiyama and Matthew Pearson


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • December 04, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Virtual

      Bring your lunch, curiosity, and coach's presence! We're a dynamic and diverse group of professional coaches in our ICF NYC community. Each of us comes from a different cultural background with unique gifts to contribute, and we want to offer a safe and supportive space to share our insights and perspectives to learn from each other while having fun.

      In these meetings, we'll share our cross-cultural experiences with a loose structure with openness for interesting dialogues to emerge. Each meeting will have one topic we'll center our discussion around, and the group will decide on the topic we want to focus on in the following meeting. This is also a great place for you to practice active listening and broaden your horizons.

      Please join as our vision for the Virtual Lunchtime CoachCafe meetings is to get to know each other on a deeper level through meaningful dialogues that enriches us. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by Julien Lefort and Gina Martin


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • December 18, 2024
      • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
      • Virtual

      Please come join us as we share resources, ask thought-provoking questions, and educate each other. Our goal is to keep building a supportive, collaborative and fun community as we each grow a sustainable and thriving coaching business, whether you're a new or experienced professional coach.


      We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home and still be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.


      Facilitated by Crystal Barrow

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      Disclaimer - ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • December 19, 2024
      • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
      • Zoom

      Come join if you are a new member or a member interested in reengaging with the ICF NYC chapter. This is a great place for us to put names to faces and get to know each other without the hassle of commuting.  

      In this one-hour call, you will: 

      • Learn about the benefits of being an ICF NYC member  
      • Share your story and meet our Community Liaison 
      • Find out ways to get involved and volunteer with the Chapter 
      • Get your questions answered and express your views 

      We want to learn about you and how we can support you in your coaching endeavors. We are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you. The Zoom link will be emailed after you register.  

      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      • December 19, 2024
      • 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
      • Virtual

      Come join us for an evening of connection, support, and fun. As coaches and entrepreneurs, it can feel isolating working on our own sometimes. Think of our monthly meeting as the go-to place to tap into the power of the group for growing our coaching businesses.

      In our Mastermind-like format, each participant receives time to be supported and be accountable for their committed actions. We’re a community of compassionate and diverse coaches here to share ideas, resources, and insights. And of course, new participants are welcome!

      We usually meet at a co-working space in Manhattan but have moved all of our in-person events virtually for now. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home, and continue to be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by: Yayoi Komiyama and Matthew Pearson


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

      CoachCafes are member-hosted monthly meetings for the purpose of community building and networking for ICF NYC members.  These are opportunities for members to share with and learn from one another in support of professional growth. 

      Disclaimer - ICF NYC is not responsible for and does not endorse any information shared or opinions expressed. In all instances, attendees are expected to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics with regards to their behavior, how they comport themselves, disclosure of any business interests in what they share or promote, and how they work with clients. In all matters concerning business decisions, members are reminded to consult with their own legal, financial or other advisors for guidance to their own particular needs and situations. ICF NYC is not liable for risks, issues or costs associated with using or acting upon any of the information provided at CoachCafes meetings. 

      • January 16, 2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
      • Virtual

      Come join us for an evening of connection, support, and fun. As coaches and entrepreneurs, it can feel isolating working on our own sometimes. Think of our monthly meeting as the go-to place to tap into the power of the group for growing our coaching businesses.

      In our Mastermind-like format, each participant receives time to be supported and be accountable for their committed actions. We’re a community of compassionate and diverse coaches here to share ideas, resources, and insights. And of course, new participants are welcome!

      We usually meet at a co-working space in Manhattan but have moved all of our in-person events virtually for now. This is a great opportunity for you to experience different groups from the comfort of your home, and continue to be part of our ICF NYC community. The Zoom link will be sent via email after you register.

      Facilitated by: Yayoi Komiyama and Matthew Pearson


      This is a member-only event and member registration is complimentary.

    ICF NYC Chapter Event Policies And Procedures


    We aim to be transparent with our members as to how the ICF NYC Chapter operates. This is both in the interest of good governance and because we want to share information to make the member experience as positive and easy-to-navigate as possible.

    ICF NYC is a volunteer-run organization, from the Board of Directors to the committee members. In all of our decisions, we seek to balance the time and bandwidth of our volunteer team with member experience and convenience. The planning, processing and administrative coordination behind every event brings you the professional experience that you’ve come to expect. We streamline resources and efforts where possible, and we appreciate your consideration and support in this effort.

    We are always seeking additional volunteers and welcome anyone with an interest in taking on a new project idea or leading an initiative that they want to see realized to benefit the chapter.

    For more information on our chapter’s governance, see our By-laws or how to Get Involved.

    Security Lists and Registration Deadlines

    Please be mindful that some of our event venues require us to submit guest lists in advance. On an event’s registration page, we indicate when there are registration deadlines and when no walk-in tickets are available. These requirements come from the venue and not from our chapter policies.

    Walk-in Tickets

    Walk-in tickets may be purchased at an event subject to availability and for a $20 increase above the pre-registration price. This is to encourage earlier purchasing so that our event logistics team can better plan for day-of setup and to enable smoother coordination with our on-site points of contact, including building security and refreshments.

    Always check an event registration page prior to showing up to ensure that an event is not sold out. Also note that some events, due to location security rules, cannot accommodate walk-in tickets and registration deadlines will be published on the event registration page.

    We are a growing chapter, and an increasing number of events are selling out, so we encourage you to buy tickets in advance to events you are most interested in.

    Ticket Refunds

    All ticket sales are final. We do not offer refunds. Please refer to Ticket Exchanges and Ticket Transfer for alternative options.

    Ticket Exchanges

    From time-to-time an unforeseen emergency or conflict arises and you may not be able to make an ICF NYC event for which you are registered. If you let us know prior to the event starting, we will work to accommodate an exchange and issue you a ticket for an alternative upcoming event.

    All requests for ticket exchanges must be made 24 hours prior to event start time. Any requests made after an event start time will not be accommodated.

    The exchange may be made for an event of equal or lesser value. Refunds for any difference in your original ticket price and one of lesser value will not be made.

    Ticket Transfer to Another Individual

    With the exception of events where it is clearly stated that ticket transfers are not possible due to a specific security policy, you may transfer your ticket to another person.

    Member tickets may be transferred to other members. Member tickets transferred to a Guest will incur a charge equal to the differential in ticket price. Guest tickets transferred to a member will not be refunded the differential.

    You must notify us 24 hours in advance of event start time so that registration lists may be updated. Failure to notify us in advance will result in ticket transfer being denied and your intended guest being charged for a walk-in ticket or denied entry.

    Event Cancellation

    In the unlikely event of a canceled event, ticket holders will be offered the option of attending the event on a rescheduled date, exchanging their ticket for another event, or receiving a refund.

    Member Ticket Rates

    Our “member” rate for events is extended to all ICF members. This includes both members of the NYC chapter as well as members of ICF not affiliated with ICF NYC. At the time of registration, NYC chapter members should select the “NYC member” ticket option. All other ICF members should select the ICF Global member ticket option and provide their ICF Global membership number.

    Guest Attendance at Events

    All are welcome to attend events that are not advertised as “Member Only” events. When registering, select the “Guest” ticket option.

    Student Tickets

    When an event is hosted with an academic partner, a limited number of student tickets will be made available for purchase at a discounted fee. To receive the discount, obtain the discount code from the academic partner prior to registering. ICF NYC honors the academic partner relationship and will process the registration discount code for the event.

    Questions and Contact

    Please contact with all questions and requests.

    Contact Us

    ICF NYC Chapter
    348 West 57th Street
    New York, New York 10019

    © Copyright 2024 ICF NYC. All rights reserved

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software